Naše objave

Objave v 'Disertacije'

Doktorske disertacije

Žiga Bizjak

Artificial intelligence based analysis of cerebral angiograms for aneurysm diagnosis and prognosis

PhD thesis: University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Slovenia (Ž. Špiclin), 2024

Doktorske disertacije

Domen Rački

Detecting surface anomalies with deep learning

PhD thesis: University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Computer Science and Informatics, Slovenia (D. Tomaževič), 2022

Doktorske disertacije

Andraž Mehle

Analiza farmacevtskih kapsul in pelet s strojnim vidom [slo]

PhD thesis: University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Slovenia (D. Tomaževič), 2019

Doktorske disertacije

Gregor Podrekar

Uporaba strojnega vida za spremljanje procesov filmskega oblaganja farmacevtskih tablet in minitablet [slo]

PhD thesis: University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Slovenia (D. Tomaževič), 2019

Doktorske disertacije

Dejan Knez

Computer-assisted design and analysis of pedicle screw placement based on medical images of the spine

PhD thesis: University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Slovenia (T. Vrtovec), 2018

Doktorske disertacije

Matic Ivančič

Določanje optičnih lastnosti bioloških tkiv z difuzno reflektančnim hiperspektralnim slikanjem [slo]

PhD thesis: University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Slovenia (M. Bürmen), 2018

Doktorske disertacije

Hennadii Madan

Error estimation in quantitative medical image analysis

PhD thesis: University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Slovenia (M. Bürmen), 2018

Doktorske disertacije

Žiga Lesjak

Avtomatska zaznava sprememb bele možganovine v magnetno resonančnih slikah [slo]

PhD thesis: University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Slovenia (T. Vrtovec), 2017

Doktorske disertacije

Tim Jerman

Computer-aided detection and quantification of intracranial aneurysms

PhD thesis: University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Slovenia (F. Pernuš), 2017

Doktorske disertacije

Peter Naglič

Modeling of light propagation in turbid media for fiber optic reflectance spectroscopy

PhD thesis: University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Slovenia (M. Bürmen), 2017

Doktorske disertacije

Robert Korez

Automated analysis of spinal structures in three-dimensional medical images using deformable models

PhD thesis: University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Slovenia (T. Vrtovec), 2016

Doktorske disertacije

Jurij Jemec

Karakterizacija prenosne funkcije in dekonvolucija pri hiperspektralnem slikanju [slo]

PhD thesis: University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Slovenia (M. Bürmen), 2016

Doktorske disertacije

Blaž Bratanič

Ocena lege enakih predmetov v neurejeni množici [slo]

PhD thesis: University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Slovenia (D. Tomaževič), 2016

Doktorske disertacije

Nika Oman Kadunc

Spremljanje procesa oblaganja farmacevtskih pelet s strojnim vidom [slo]

PhD thesis: University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Slovenia (D. Tomaževič), 2016

Doktorske disertacije

Alfiia Galimzianova

Automated segmentation of magnetic resonance brain images into normal and pathological structures

PhD thesis: University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Slovenia (F. Pernuš), 2015

Doktorske disertacije

Maksimilijan Bregar

Vpliv kontaktnega pritiska sonde na difuzno reflektančne spektre kože [slo]

PhD thesis: University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Slovenia (M. Bürmen), 2015

Doktorske disertacije

Blaž Cugmas

Analiza živalskih tkiv z bližnjo infrardečo spektroskopijo [slo]

PhD thesis: University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Slovenia (B. Likar), 2014

Doktorske disertacije

Uroš Mitrović

Three-dimensional to two-dimensional registration for image-guided endovascular interventions

PhD thesis: University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Slovenia (F. Pernuš), 2014

Doktorske disertacije

Peter Usenik

Hiperspektralno slikanje zobnih tkiv [slo]

PhD thesis: University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Slovenia (B. Likar), 2013

Doktorske disertacije

Matjaž Kosec

Karakterizacija in kalibracija sistemov za hiperspektralno slikanje na osnovi slikovnih spektrografov [slo]

PhD thesis: University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Slovenia (D. Tomaževič), 2013

Doktorske disertacije

Darko Štern

Automated analysis of vertebral deformations in three-dimensional medical images

PhD thesis: University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Slovenia (T. Vrtovec), 2012

Doktorske disertacije

Jaka Katrašnik

Calibration and optimization of hyperspectral imaging systems

PhD thesis: University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Slovenia (B. Likar), 2012

Doktorske disertacije

Miha Možina

Kontrola kakovosti trdih farmacevtskih izdelkov s strojnim vidom [slo]

PhD thesis: University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Slovenia (D. Tomaževič), 2012

Doktorske disertacije

Tomaž Vrtovec

Evaluation of spinal and pelvic parameters from three-dimensional medical images

PhD thesis: Utrecht University, Faculty of Medicine, the Netherlands (M. A. Viergever, F. Pernuš, R. M. Castelein), 2011

Doktorske disertacije

Žiga Špiclin

Image registration and restoration for machine vision

PhD thesis: University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Slovenia (F. Pernuš), 2011

Doktorske disertacije

Primož Markelj

Registration of three-dimensional and two-dimensional medical images

PhD thesis: University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Slovenia (B. Likar), 2010

Doktorske disertacije

Miran Bürmen

Characterization and application of light emitting diodes in machine vision systems

PhD thesis: University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Slovenia (B. Likar), 2009

Doktorske disertacije

Dejan Tomaževič

3D/2D registration of medical images

PhD thesis: Utrecht University, Faculty of Medicine, the Netherlands (M. A. Viergever, F. Pernuš), 2008

Doktorske disertacije

Tomaž Vrtovec

Automatic analysis of three-dimensional spine images

PhD thesis: University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Slovenia (F. Pernuš), 2007

Doktorske disertacije

Marko Bukovec

Avtomatska vizualna kontrola kakovosti tablet in kapsul [slo]

PhD thesis: University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Slovenia (F. Pernuš), 2007

Doktorske disertacije

Darko Škerl

Kvantitativno vrednotenje mer podobnosti za poravnavo medicinskih slik [slo]

PhD thesis: University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Slovenia (F. Pernuš), 2006

Doktorske disertacije

Uroš Vovk

Odpravljanje svetlostnih nehomogenosti medicinskih slik [slo]

PhD thesis: University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Slovenia (B. Likar), 2006

Doktorske disertacije

Dejan Tomaževič

Medical image registration

PhD thesis: University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Slovenia (F. Pernuš), 2005

Doktorske disertacije

Jan Klemenčič

Tridimenzionalni statistični model pojavnosti anatomskih struktur [slo]

PhD thesis: University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Slovenia (F. Pernuš), 2004

Doktorske disertacije

Rok Bernard

Razgradnja medicinskih slik s statističnimi modeli slikovnih vzorcev anatomije [slo]

PhD thesis: University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Slovenia (F. Pernuš), 2001

Doktorske disertacije

Boštjan Likar

Registration and restoration of medical images

PhD thesis: University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Slovenia (F. Pernuš), 2000

Doktorske disertacije

Boštjan Likar

Registration and restoration of medical images

PhD thesis: Utrecht University, Faculty of Medicine, the Netherlands (M. A. Viergever, F. Pernuš), 2000

